Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day Ideas

Okay, now that I've calmed down about the yard sale crankiness from earlier, I'd like to dedicate some space to Father's Day ideas.  Since we don't have any kidlets of our own, I don't have to worry about coming up with ideas for hubby that involve OJ cans, yarn, and puddles of glue.  (Actual gift given to my father circa 1980-something.)

However, I still have to come up with ideas for my father, who pretty much has everything he wants and the means to buy whatever he wants (or at least more than I could buy him) if he so desires.  It's been about 30 years since I could get away with making a pencil holder for him and calling it good.  Nowadays, I have to actually get creative.

Both of my parents have so much stuff in their house I'm always reluctant to add anything to it that isn't:

a) a gag gift (and therefore able to be disposed of without any guilt)
b) consumable

This year, I'm planning on the following:

1)  Rhubarb Jam that we purchased from a roadside stand in Pennsylvania
2)  Crabcakes made with bluefin crab caught off the dock at my in-laws house in Virginia
3)  Homemade tapioca pudding

My dad loves rhubarb, and they've been trying to grow it in the garden for several years, with varying success.  He also grew up in Pennsylvania, so finding Rhubarb Jam made in the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch method is a double win.

Living in Indiana, my parents don't get to eat good seafood very often unless they travel to Florida to see my grandparents.  I personally can't stand seafood, but hubby loves it and my parents love it, so it's a labor of love for me to put up with the smelly stuff as I make crabcakes for all of them.  Hubby's labor of love is sharing his precious stash of bluefin crab reserve!

I recently came across a great recipe for homemade tapioca pudding.  I've tried it once and the results were simply DIVINE.  I think for this time around I will soak the tapioca overnight, but other than that I can follow the directions just as she wrote them.

Do yourself a favor and bring a stool into the kitchen for this one -- you'll be stirring for 35 minutes straight and your feet will appreciate the break!

What are YOUR ideas for Father's Day this year?  Struggling for ideas?  Have it all planned out?  Sound off in the comments below!

(Note:  I fixed the issue the comment box was having earlier - it didn't used to allow anonymous comments.  Now you can comment to your heart's content! :) )

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